Batch fried potato chips

Batch fried potato chips

Historically potato chips were made in a kettle when they first entered the market in the 1940’s and 1950’s. This batch process gave the potato chips a harder bite and a curly appearance. Over the last decade this product range has increased in popularity and today we can see a lot of different designs on batch fryers.

The technique to produce batch fried potato chips is to fry the potato slices without washing them before frying, which gives the characteristic bite and curly shape. Since the potato slices are not washed before frying, you will need to make sure choosing a fryer were the oil quality can be kept high during a continuous production over a long time, since you will have more debris entering the frying process.

As any efficient processing line, the flow in a potato chips line must be even and consistent and below we present the including steps in the complete process to produce batch potato chips.

Get in touch

Dries De Block

Area Sales Manager

+46 766 49 87 11 or +32 470 847 030

The processing steps

Step 01
Step 02
Step 03
Batch Frying System


At the potato infeed, we start with creating an even flow of raw potatoes to the process with our Potato Buffer Hopper. It can store from 1-10 tons of raw potatoes and it continuously feeds potatoes to the Auger Destoner, that washes and transports them vertically towards the peeling. If you have more difficult soil conditions, we recommend our Cyclone Destoner with Prewasher. To create an efficient peeling of the raw potato flow and make sure that a controlled amount gets to the fryer, our Batch Peeler with weighing units de-skins the potatoes and separates the waste with fresh water and transports them forward towards the slicing.

Potato Buffer Hopper


When the potatoes are clean and peeled, we send them to our Slice System, that consists of two slicers and a Fryer Infeed Belt, to separate the slices before entering the fryerThe free surface starch that is released is not being washed off, to create the classic texture of batch fried potato chipsThe fryer infeed belt is cleaned between each feeding sequence to ensure that no extra debris will enter the fryer. 

Slice Feeder

Batch Frying System

The unique and patented oil flow system and paddle belt in our Batch Fryer will make sure that every slice will leave the fryer before the next frying cycle starts. Since debris is prevented to stay in the fryer, you can create a good environment for keeping a good oil quality. Another feature that prevents the oil from degrading and that also creates a safe operating area, is the light and oxygen protecting hood. The hood has an infeed gate that closes as soon as the last slice has entered the fryer. This will ensure that we have steam coverage protecting the oil, over the full frying cycleIn addition, ouContinuous Drum Filter will filter all the oil during the batches, which further makes sure that the oil quality is kept high. 

Our batch fryer has an indirect heating system using a tube heat exchanger. Over this heat exchanger, the vegetable oil is heated by means of thermo oil. Indirect heating means that the vegetable oil is never over-heated and the oil quality is well preserved. As the oil is heated outside the fryer pan, the pan is completely free from any piping, making it very easy to clean and reducing the oil volume. This design also prevents any possibilities for debris to be collected inside the pan. 

The double agitation wagons with built-in bottom and side Teflon scrapers are independently controllable over the PLC. The criteria for every type of batch fried chip that you produce, are stored in your recipe bank in the PLC. 

Batch Fryer

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