
Rosenqvists seasoning system


Rosenqvists seasoning system

We are offering four different standard configurations of our seasoning system. All four configurations can be designed and customized for any coating need. Slow speed, gentle action, and uniform product depth to prevent product breakage, which ensures optimal coverage for consistency with all types of seasoning. All seasoning systems are built on one skid for easy installation and the design has been optimized for easy access and cleaning.

• Retractable scarf feeder
• Drum on swivel
• 90 degree turnable seasoning feeder

In-line or on-head seasoning all options available. For dry products different oil-spray systems are available.

Our seasoning drum 

The design guarantees that the product will be treated/tumbled gently ensuring that all the product in the drum will get the same coverage of seasoning. The result will be an even seasoned product with no wasted seasoning.

Our scarf feeder – VibrHF

Powders, granules and fine products are controlled and handled easily. Designed to convey, dispense, and spread light and fine products accurately; they make an ideal sprinkling and coating solution. With the capability to handle a broad range of products, including high fat powders, they provide excellent seasoning coverage and are easy to clean and maintain.

Get in touch

Fredrik Rönnberg

Sales Manager

+46 766 49 87 21

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